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tv   Making Money With Charles Payne  FOX Business  September 29, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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very much, chubbies cofounder thank you very much. >> my guest tomorrow, jonathan gray, $100 billion in real estate, you want to hear from him, "making money" with charles payne starts right now. >> the dow held. but sellers dumped the strongest stocks in the market, apple and facebook. what is up with that. and hillary may not have a personalty but she knows how to buy votes as unions will be event from obamacare. today a key city falls in afghanistan, and congress admits we can't do anything to stop isis from recruiting our young americans, "making money" starts right now. charles: today was a do-or-die
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moment for the stock market, the dow, it was close. coming in 16,000 was key support, it held but it was tenuous. after a crushing the biotech stocks, the bears turn their grades to high-tech name, slamming long time winners, apple and facebook. here is the thing for overall market, conventional wisdom says it must go lower from here. conventional wisdom is often wrong. joining me now, capital president, steve cortez, and steve, to you. have been bearish for the longest period of time, coming in a little bit on the market, everyone saying it must go low emust it go lower? >> well, the market never must do anything, it is going to go lower, today, if i were bullish,
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i would say it was a gut check kind of day. opened up higher than traded down aggressively, late in the day, so far, the august lows hold. that is good news for the u.s. market, the bad news is that august lows did not hold over in germany, they did not hold in asia for the hang seng in hong kong. i believe that global weakness is the over arching problem. charles: you know, i see some of these bigger names, getting hit, my feeling that there are people sitting on giant profits, very smart people who bought apple a long time ago, and bought facebook a long time ago, they were your sellers today, if the smart long-term sellers are dumping i think it is a red flag. >> but there is more, markets are recalibrating to a low interest rate environment for a
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very long time. we're nowhere near the rate we were expecting, there are earnings there will drive the markets higher. charles: if they are bracing for that rise in interest rates, why are we so slop ony now. >> markets bought into the idea of it is coming this past september, the fomc meeting slapped everyone in the face, saying it not coming but not when you think or want it to come. that creates some issues. it you remember you have real weakness in china, and disappointing economic news here. it was a culmination of things. charles: today consumer confidence was out a gangbuster number, i think that bodes well for holiday shopping season. if we could just get that one thing on friday to cooperate, jobs and wages. >> i think we're getting a good number, but to steve's point, you talked about the dow
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holding. goldman sachs follow lead of j.p. morgan and bank of america and other banks investing their -- revising their estimates lower, i think that market 4e8 up well. charles: they revised it lower from an earlier estimate. all of them are looking to 2015 number, if luke from where we are now, they are saying anywhere from a 15 to 20% year-end rally. >> i think that is right, china is not getting worse, in my opinion. oil is stabilizing. >> let's talk worse case. you talk about the other areas, in the world where the markets they did not hold. we're starting to break down certain other biotechs. and other areas, what would be your worse case? >> you know, i still believe in
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the worse case, not the worst but a bad case, i think that markets are going marketly lower, i think because international weakness is a problem, and here in u.s., high yield, looking at corporate debt, a lot of viewers down watch credit. we're going to have the worse quarter that we've had in high yield since 2008, the bond market is telling us that is slowing globaly, in credit markets where there is smoke there is fire, my guess this time to be defensive. >> i slightly disagree with that last statement. i don't think that is what the bond markets are telling us. they are telling us they were wrong on the expectations that interest rates would rise this year, that reactor -- adjustment is about that, there is weakness
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in europe. >> why are rates not rising. >> because growth is so poor. >> that is just part of it, you have pressure, you know in terms of rates coming in from foreign buying, at the end of the day, america is still the prettiest house on the blocking you have huge amount of capital flowing from europe to u.s., and overwhelming 3, allocation is toward short-term fixed income, that is why you see pressure on 1, 2, 3 year pace not as much on 30-year. >> i want to agree but limit, credit to plumbing and oil prices there will be an impact. i do think that you will see pressure there i don't believe -- i am not as bearish in credit market as i heard steve. charles: someone is really worried about credit market is carl icahn, he has been warning big time. danger ahead, he blames fed, and washington for the current
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problems he took at shot at buybacks, saying a lot of companies, should not be doing the buybacks, that is a short-term fix that weakening the balance sheet. we had this debate over a year ago. one of our central themes the show because, during a bull run we first started making money with charles payne, one of the drivers of buybacks. we debated whether or not they are good or bad, you did not like them then, you probably don like them -- probably don't like them now. >> i don't, they have been a powerful force for 6 years. i watch pkw that out perform, the s&p 500, buybacks were the leader of this market. pkw today hit relative to s&p a new low for the year of 2015, i think we're seeing a
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mega-tripped of the last 6 years preverse -- reverse itself. the market is losing faith in buybacks, saying we need real growth, we need them in vote offing and -- investing in businesses and hiring people. charles: jim, i think you took the other said of the argument. we invest we talk about companies returning to capital shareholders, you do that with a dividend or a buyback. they made a lot of money they were returning it, how is that financial engineering. >> i think it is ran element of financial engineering. but i am not as concerned it is arsenal for performing for shareholders, buying back stock or issues or raising a dividend helps my shareholders, and he make money if i own that stock. i'm okay with that. >> i am siding with steve on this a little bit, share
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buybacks are not often good. they are a wash in terms of the whole them, to buy, share buybacks should be done with piggy bank money, after you had extended r&d, and done ac acquisitions and you have done all you do then you buyback. charles: you would want to see a company go out and build power plants, buy equipment they may or may not need in an environment with 3% growth is amazing we have like 1 1/2% growth you want companies to spend money on that. >> i want them to guild factory -- to build factories too help them grow. charles: so if you build it they will come? >> you have to have an issue gressive business plan. there are plany of kutches that ar--there are plenty of kutchess that are going out and building
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businesses. that is not a good share buyback. charles: steve, here is the thing, i found it interesting, president obama took corporate america to task for not using that cash in their balance sheet, i saw a pick up in announcements of buybacks and increased dividends, there is no doubt this is being littl littlt sized, i worry about gives federal government legal sway over how corporation use their money. i understand the financial engineering part of it, perhaps there were smarter things they could do. but should it always be a legal practice for corporation if they want to engage in it. >> you bring up a great point, it has been rational for company to buyback their shares because of policy hurdles that washington d.c. has put in front of growth, main are regulation, and taxes. i think if we remove those hurdles and allow american
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innovation, and american economic dine amism to thrive, companies will not be interested in buybacks, you bring up a great point, i am not blames business. they have made a riggal choice -- rational choice, 1 we get obama out of office and a republican in the white house, i think we'll see buybacks go away, and visting and capital s take off. charles: but, oliver's point they do have bad timing also. they do seem to buyback a lot of stock at the top. charles: breaking news, ralph lauren stepping down at ceo of the company he founded. steven lars son will takeover at ceo, lauren will be chairman and chief design person there. it closed at a 52-week low, it is soaring in afternoon market, street saying to ralph could you were past your prime with
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respect to being the ceo, tweet me if you know his real name, i can't say it on tv, i might get bleeped. >> and today videos heavily doctored. we'll have people here talking about it because, your taxpayer money is helping planned person parenthood we'll be right back.
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>> flood flood floo planned parenthood has been in the news, latest smear campaign is based on effort by our opponent to
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entrap our doctors and clinics into breaking the law, and our opponents failed. failed. charles: that was the president of planned parenthood facing off with g.o.p. congress really now fighting the republicans to whether or not this should be a key concern or key moment or reason to shut down the government. something that everyone is wondering about. part of bigger narrative. about the establishment of g.o.p., joining me now. author of "unlikeable." let's talk about this planned parenthood situation for a moment, it is contentious, we knew it would be that way. interesting these videos were an
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effort to entrap could they were damning and soar or full to look -- sorrow full on look at. >> in addition i think this is almost the core of the republican conservative movement. the sense that all of these years since the supreme court said that abortion is legal, the conservative side of the republican party, in particular, has been trying to find a way of bringing that back in. so at least if within a reasonable aim amount of weeks that i abortion could not be deputy. now they have the goods on planned parenthood, i don't think they are going to let go. charles: to that point, with boehner announcing his resignation, a lot of people, in particular grassroots side, have been saying we gave you the power, you had the majority
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after midterm election. and all you have done, the establishment, was kind of calculate numbers, and if you couldn't win you done put up a fight. right now it seems a lot of saying let's put up a fight, let american pub lick see the fight public see the fight. >> yes, 62% of americans favor banning second trimester abortions, and 80% third trimester. we lost the argument thanks to boehner and mcconnell, by saying we're willing to hut down the government, we should have been saying we will fund 99.9% of the government that does not involve traffics in fetus parts. this is another sign of how this
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inside beltway part is out of touch. charles: here is the thing, we know that this establishment, antiestablishment thing is coming to a boil. the way you put it may be. i don't think that is a part of the party is angry wants to be that. i think they want to go out with full force, i think they want to be blunt. i think about scorched earth. let's make the points. it is about no government funding for planned parenthood. the abortion issue hangs over this. but the idea that a nickel of federal government taxpayer money would go to this, no matter what planned parenthood said. i think the issue is. that the new party, if this is a new deal, taking serious stand, putting a line in the sand, and taking a stand.
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>> this should be a load stone around their neck. you need leaders who are better at communicates, the departure of john boehner is a good step, he will be there until end ofo, but his replacement, mccarthy is not very good either. >> put it in front of the american people, let them make the decision. >> you got it. charles: we'll talk more about dc in disarray. ted cruz taking a stan today, we'll be right back. (vo) what does the world run on?
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>> i will give president obama
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and the senate democrats credit, they believe in principles of big government, they believe in this relentless assault on our constitutional rights issue they are willing to crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to fight their are for those principles, unfortunately leadership on my side of the aisle does not demonstrate the same commitment to principles. charles: a heck of a statement ask visual could senator ted cruz, on senate floor, blasting the g.o.p. leadership. always trying to avoid a government shut down. but again there is a core part of the party that says this is the moment, we get rid of all of the people that don't getting any done, and put in people that want to make a change. we have speaker of house seat up, majority leader all for
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grabs. potential candidates for speaker, joining us with this shake up amy holmes, and ed klein, amy, a lot of names getting thrown in the mix. we could have a real donny brook, that i think that ted cruz is cruising for. >> like you, i enjoy ted cruz's imagery, colorful, glass, knife 29 thbetween the teeth. i don't have a dog in this fight, but i do understand conservative discontent, and why john boehner stepped down. i am pro choice, i say it openly, i watch the video they are appalling, i think that federal dollars should be cut off from that organization, but you don't see leadership making the case. charles: you don't see anyone with passion, with broken glass, with knives on the floor, that
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is what he is talking about. you saw it years ago when tea party came in, not afraid to wear their principles on the sleeve. whatever you think about nancy pelosi she wear its on her sleeve, why can't the republicans get leadership there proud of their stance. >> think of how far we've come since barry goldwater, said extremism in defense of liberty is no sin. the leadership no longer stops that way, they are let's go along to get along, this is not what the party wants any more. charles: this is -- is this what happens naturally, we talk about dc all of the time this remindeds me of a road woody allen movie, bananas. and they don't seem they want to do the right thing, but once they get there, the most important thing for them to to is stay.
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>> there is something in the potomac water that is corrupting and you think of career politician. back to making the case, the reasons that leadership is worried they will lose government shut down fight, they are not explaining to the american people what it is about. it would be president obama shutting down the government, president obama vetoing that bill. charles: 18 government shut downs, we have not done too bad under them, we may need to look at it overall, thank you be. >> we have breaking news, hillary clinton scrapping obama's cadillac plan, unions, well, she made new friends this afternoon. let's put it that way, we'll be right back. i accept i'm not the rower i used to be. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept is getting out there with less than my best.
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charles: hillary clinton proposes to scrap the obamacare law cadillac part of it. she has been speaking out against this so-called cadillac tax, a part of a series of reforms she is suggestions for the affordable care act. liliz is joining us out, and ed and amy are back. hillary is having a tough time. this might have been low-hanging
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fruit for her. it is interesting how many americans don't have a cadillac plan, and won't get a break. >> she is not leading on this initiative, bernie sanders came out against the cadillac tax, half of senate, democrats have come out against it. it very unpopular, mainly unpopular with unions amongst whose members are many of people who get high price plans. the interesting thing, is hillary clinton's desperate for union endorsement. she has not gotten very many, membership of the major union leaders are talking about sitting out, waiting to see whether joe biden comes in the race for example. this is a struggle for her. she will get no traction, the biggest news story is she opposed the keystone pipeline, that infeue infurated many unio.
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>> her unfavorables among democratic voters is 55%, with 2% of democratic voters undecide, almost all democrats have a opinion, and 55% give her a thumbs down. charles: does it boil down to this, i am holding a book in high hand, unlikeable. the problem with hillary. this is going to be a bestseller we know this already. >> thank you from your lips to nowhere. charles: does it boil down to the fact that she is not bill. >> she is not bill, she does not relate, she does not evoke any sense of connection with her constituents, she is defensive. you know, in this book,
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"unlikeable" a talk about bill getting steven stil speilberg tt acting coaches for hillary. >> it is worse, the democratic support of women has nose dived. her constituents say she is up trustworthy. charles: a lot of -- liz talked about biden coming in a story i heard you tell about her going in, hillary clinton, to the oval office, and blasting president obama, like call off the dogs. >> call off the dogs on her e-mail scandal and taking foreign donation for clinton foundation, which is imnated from valerie jared in the identifial office, she has been doing most of the leaking to the press. charles: but president obama said this is the bed you made for yourself. >> very much, he said, you created this problem for yourself, there is nothing i can
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do about it 92 tha. charles: that is pure greed, coming back. oil may be saved because stocks in the world are crashing. what does it mean for you? we'll 2e8 you, we'll be right back.
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of od employees, ...who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. because od employees treat customer service... our most important delivery. od. helping the world keep promises. charles: qatar lost 9 billion, and norway, the financial crisis might mean higher oil.
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charles: you know oil seems like it is finding a bottom here. it could be because of global financial correction, saudi arabia, foreign exchange. they just raised 24 billion in
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the bond market. and qatar reporting stock market losses of 12 billion. and norway saw first quarterly loss in 3 years. 9 billion. so, maybe the ease jeffs -- easiest way for them to make money, manipulate oil. is it far fetched to say, some of these things that maybe saudi arabia did not think about when they launched this war, a very successful war against american fracking. >> it is getting close to a points, if you think this is a price war, they are taking heavy casualties, those numbers are serious. if u.s. shell producers don't rollover, opec will get to a point why they might have to cut production and get the prices
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up, i think it would happen sooner than a lot of people think. charles: the battle in yemen, has gone on longer than experts say it would, becoming very expensive, building a huge wall to keep isis out. >> there are ramifications elsewhere as well, you have a lot of aid from saudi arabia, and uae to egypt, they are told to expect a decrease in allowance, i think they lot of people in the region are not convipped there is a bottom -- not convinced there is a bottom. that combined with a glut of supply over here, you have producers here that are just going to produce because some revenue is better than no revenue. and oil is influence by the valley of the dollar, even oil that never touches u.s. shores, is traded in dollars, and the increase in interest rates is minor, that will create some
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altitude for the dollar above the yen and euro that will be reflected in lower oil prices. charles: so, that gives -- the fact that notion a lot of people out there saying a 3 handle, a 2 handle. how possible is that? >> i think it is very unlikely. and i think that mind set of what your other guest said is changing a little bit'. we're seeing a big cutback in u.s. production, biggest since late 80s. the perception that all of these producers will produce no matter the price that is not happening because a lot of these guys may be bankrupt next month, we'll see a major cutback. so i think that people will be shocked how wick high u.s. -- how quickly u.s. product falls. charles: to your point, a major round of layoffs, i am worried about some of need names.
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christian maybe we have a big offset to the iranian oil. >> maybe but bankrupt companies still have assets and people want offsets to those assets. you have russia in pain but looking too sell anyone anywhere, and iran coming back on-line with sanction relive. you know ones -- one silver lining is china economy is not as bad as their stock market indicates. >> all right. thank you both very. and tonight, you do not want to miss kennedy, the reptile guy, he is bringing some of his animals to the show, kennedy has the coolest guests. >> there we go. now i am complete. like a yoga class, he is taking
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his tail and wraps around my glasses. should i pick up the bowa to make it complete. >> like this. >> okay. >> yes, i don't let him eat the creatures on my head. i have not uttered that phrase since 1993, so you know, there you go. >> precious. charles: she is gutsy. you will see this tonight, 8 p.m. on fox business. >> launch a new electric suv, that been two years of delay. pictures of it might be worth it, this bad boy looks nice. the stocks looking pretty good too we'll be right back.
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charles: tesla to reveal the model, that is a beautiful suv. electric, 10 p.m., long wait. a cross over suv, featuring 257 mile range. and 0 to 60 in 3.2 second, price tag begins dollars 75,000. it guess well to six-figures, their shares jumped at the open on the news, will this be the spark that the company has been looking for? oliver, you getting one? >> i'll stick with my mercedes thank you very much. you know i saw this picture, wing doors, we're city folk how does that work in a parking lot? you are never getting out of the car, right. >> i have a friend who has a car,
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he says it is the best car he as owned. charles: i tell you, i see one of the folks driving the tesla, they have that elitist smirk on that face. >> they have achieved that status. they have a two year window now on competition in terms of high-end electric suv, you see, is the usual suspect, now want to play catch up. i think this is an interesting story, to me it will be about this car, and their abou batter. >> i think that battery is key, to me tesla is a battery company, they do it better than everybody else, to power a heavy save at those numbers is engineering impressive. >> i guarantee that driver of car was a gentleman. guess who will buy that suv, their wives. they are coming out with a woman's car.
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charles: this bad boy is enticing. but what about the stock? there was a point it went yo up every day, and then dropped, it is always moving somewhere. i think it is in for a big move, would you be a buyer. >> we're not based on valuation. >> not on stock or company. >> i would caveat my statement, saying it is not our style in our comfort zone. charles: i want to go back in. i do think it makes a run to 3, would you consider it? >> i would, i don't think that game changer is a word that gets used too often. i believe this is a unique vehicle. they will be on a good run if they can deliver this car, and a battery life. charles: he is the real deal, he has a lot of government subsidies. all right. thank you. no one more thing.
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google, getting more interested, they want to let company target specific people through e-mails depending on what they are looking for. you go on google and youtube, you get emay promos. >> i am in camp that privacy is dead, they are all over my stuff, i find interesting about story they are trying to find anyway they can to get more of ad revenues, they are under threat from apple, and facebook, i believe the internet now will be more about apps. google is stretching. but they have access to all i have. charles: youtube is working out for them. we know it is all about big data. finding out what people want, i read a story that am zanis just going -- amazon is just going to send stuff to your house, they know you so well, when they send you a book, you are not sending it back.
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>> as long as they don't send a bill that is fine, they can send whatever they want, as long as it not a bill. at the end of the day they have everything, if i can get directed targeted marketing that is relevant to me as opposed to hundreds o pieces of spam, i may not be that bad off. charles: overall, i am sure you are making good money, thank you, appreciate it. >> president obama, he has been struggling. i don't know if you saw this today. trying to explain our mixed results dealing with isis. it did not go over too well. we'll be back to discuss it. this is a major story that impacts all facets of our lives.
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and start planning your own. prge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. (interrupting) you can't pick it up, can you? go ahead. he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though! you're going to change the world.
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. charles: now time to address your questions on the market. "making money," sue said on twitter -- i would say ride out the storm, but remember, you got something paying a yield of 5%, which is really high, and the principal goes down 10 or 15%, you have to take that into the equation, the fact you set your long-term excuse me towards saying hang tough, but don't be afraid to buy the other stocks on weakness particularly if the bottom falls out in the next couple of days. eric asked -- i'm assuming that you're owning gold and silver and probably at much higher levels. recently we went long gold, precious metals should be 5-10% of your investment portfolio, but nothing just as insurance policy i think they're way, way
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oversold at this level. when will they stop manipulating them, your question, i don't know. shamir says -- i agree with you 1,000%. we have seen this before. here's the thing and i said it in the beginning of the show. conventional wisdom is we must test the lows, might go lower. if you are sitting on the massive profits, maybe you take them. my subscribers on facebook i say hold because i see them going much, much higher on here. talking about the united states and coalition forces launching strikes in afghanistan after the taliban captured a major city there. they freed hundreds of prisoners, caught the government flat-footed. a new congressional report shows the united states failed to stop americans from joining isis and then there's president obama at the u.n. summit struggling to point out achievements with regard to fighting isis.
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take a listen. >> i have repeatedly said our approach will take time. this is not an easy task. it is not going to be enough to defeat isil in the battlefield. we have to prevent it from radicalizing, recruiting and inspiring others to violence in the first place, and this means defeating their ideology. charles: you know, the president is preaching the same tune, when is he going to do something about it, and will it be anything different? liz peek and christian whiton are back with me. this congressional report, this task force report that more or less said we have been unable to stop the luring of americans and other westerners to isis. what is that all about? >> well, we don't have an effective mechanism for getting out the other side of the story. we are losing the public relations battle, there's no question about it. i've also written about -- charles: how are we losing against the blood thirsty people that set people on fire,
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rape women, kill christians, how could they beat us in the pr realm? >> one volume, they are out there with 60,000 messages a day. we probably have 30 or something like that. this is something we're not doing well, and it isn't just the obama administration. the organization that presumably puts out our nation's voice, the voice of america and its related entities is so mismanaged. it's been a disaster for years, one of these many things that has been badly handled by the government and no one stepped into fix it. charles: christian, i think the key word is badly managed and half hearted. doesn't feel like anything associated with middle east policy has had misdirection, because it feels like the white house is indifferent to it all? >> liz is absolutely right, the other instrumentalities, radio for europe and others, we need
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to replace them with things that have a voice in the debate within radical islam, sending american diplomats, speaking in english, talking about how isis is bad is not going to influence that debate. but before you talk about any of those tactics, you need an administration that can address the idea obviously, great the president says he wants to, you can't launch ideological warfare against tanks. you are never going to win the ideological fight. if you can't utter the words radical islam or islamism, you are not going to address it. >> we aren't winning the battles, this is a region where right makes right and people are impressed by power and the show of force. charles: how embarrassing. we hear the same thing every time, liz, they were caught offguard. >> thank you. charles: the taliban government was caught offguard. >> i agree. charles: not the taliban, the
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afghan government caught offguard. >> this is a city that has been apparently surrounded by taliban forces attacking it for months now, one of many places in afghanistan, armed forces. charles: we have to leave it there. >> not allowed to participate. charles: thanks for watching every night at 6:00 p.m. you're going to get more of this stuff from my man lou dobbs. he's next. . lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. president obama today defending his strategy to defeat the islamic state, a strategy that critics say is murky at best and clearly not working. the president opened a summit on fighting radical islamist terrorists, a u.n. sponsored summit warning that the u.s. led fight in iraq and syria will be what he called a long-term campaign, but the president ignored the new reality in syria, that is the role of the russian military forces that have been pouring into syria over the past three weeks. instead of intensifyin


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